Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let Me Introduce Myself

So I am completely new to this and I am so excited to get started. My life has sort of taken an exciting but dramatic turn as I completely changed my life. I no longer eat the processed, enriched, and sugar filled "food" that filled my childhood. Now I opt for turkey meatloaf and some steamed chard, sounds like a party right? I still am learning the difference between chard and kale. I will get back to you on that! Anyway, I got sidetracked,  I really want to help others and as I struggle myself I hope we can struggle together. Because eating this way and living with these allergies is hard no matter what. But having to go through college not being able to sip a cold one, go out for ice cream, go to football games and enjoy a hamburger, or just grab a bite with friends, and oh how the list could go on is tough!! I think it is so easy to focus on what you can't have that we forget to focus on what we can. Simple whole foods are so delicious yet we try to mask the flavors, add unecessary ingredients, and ultimately we have no idea what a carrot tastes like. It's just absurd to me! We are #37th in the healthiest nations and yet with all this healthcare reform we fail to focus on the core of the matter--our food. It just makes me so mad becaue why do you think we have all of these allergies? Our bodies weren't meant to process these absurd ingredients and flavorings. We are so concerned with being healthy that we forgot how our ancient ancestors ate and we consume ourselves with low-fat/low-carb/low-sugar, etc...So in a way, I think that all of this happened for a reason and in a way I found my passion for food, cooking, and the simple tastes of food. Stay tuned for recipes, vegetable analysis, features on spices, great products, and more!!!!

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