Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gotta Love that Coconut

So I am in love with all things coconut. After trying coconut yogurt, coconut milk, coconut ice cream and a variety of coconut baked goods that all are so delicious, I was delighted to see creamer made with coconut milk. It seems as if they read my mind because almond milk in coffee just wasn't really cutting it as cream for my coffee. I was yearning for that heavy and milky addition of half and half to my daily cup of joe but sort of gave up on having coffee like I used to have it. So when I saw this at Vitamin Cottage and in three flavors I couldn't believe it. I have tried all three and have to say that the sugar content is a little high in the flavored versions but for just using it as little cream in coffee is perfect. I also tried the french vanilla flavor in my hot chocolate and it added a nice vanilla taste. This makes my morning joe amazing and is the reason I can't stop my addiction to coffee.

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